What is Delta Formula?

Delta formula is a type of ratio that compares the changes in the price of an asset to the corresponding price changes in its underlying. The numerator is the change in the price of the asset, which reflects how the asset changed since its last price. The asset could be any derivative like a call option or put optionCall Option Or Put OptionCall options offer the right but not the obligation to buy the underlying asset at a particular date for a pre-decided strike price. In contrast, put options offer the rights but not the obligation of selling the underlying asset at a particular date for the pre-decided strike price.read more. These options have stock as their underlying, and that is the key aspect that affects the prices of these assets. In capital markets,In Capital Markets,A capital market is a place where buyers and sellers interact and trade financial securities such as debentures, stocks, debt instruments, bonds, and derivative instruments such as futures, options, swaps, and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). There are two kinds of markets: primary markets and secondary markets.read more, this Delta is also referred to as the Hedge Ratio.

The formula for Delta is:

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However, even the Black and Scholes model is used to determine the value of Delta, where there is a variable in it, which is N(d1), which can be calculated using computer software.

Examples of Delta Formula (with Excel Template)

Let’s see some simple to advanced examples of the delta equation to understand it better.

Delta Formula Example #1

Suppose that the change in the price of the asset is 0.6733, and the change in the price of the underlying is 0.7788. You are required to calculate Delta.


We are given both the figures that change in the price of the asset, which is 0.6733, and change in the price of the underlying, which is 0.7788. Therefore, we can use the above equation to calculate the Delta.

Use below given data for calculation of Delta.

  • Change in Price of Underlying: 0.7788Change in Price of Asset: 0.6733

Calculation of Delta is as follows,

Delta =0.6733 / 0.7788

Delta will be –

Delta = 0.8645

Hence, the Delta will be 0.8645

Delta Formula Example #2

ABC stock has been listed for a number of years but has remained quite volatile in nature. The traders and investors have been suffering losses in the stock due to its unnatural price movement. The stock has now been listed for five years now and is now eligible to enter into the derivatives market. John already holds the position of this stock in his portfolio.

The current price of the stock is $88.92, and the call option of strike priceStrike PriceExercise price or strike price refers to the price at which the underlying stock is purchased or sold by the persons trading in the options of calls & puts available in the derivative trading. Thus, the exercise price is a term used in the derivative market.read more $87.95 is trading at $1.35, which has an expiration of 1 month left. John wants to hedge his position, and hence he wants to calculate the Delta for this stock. Next trading day, he notices that the stock price has moved down to $87.98, and so the call option price has moved down slightly to $1.31.

On the basis of the given data, you are required to calculate the Delta, which shall be a basis for the hedge ratioHedge RatioThe hedge ratio is the open position’s hedge ratio’s comparative value with the position’s aggregate size itself. Also, it can be the comparative value of the futures contracts purchased or sold with a value of cash commodity that is being hedged.read more for the trader.

  • Call Option Price at Beginning: 1.35Call Option Price at End: 1.31Stock Price at Beginning: 88.92Stock Price at End: 87.98

Here, the asset is the call option, and it is underlying it’s the stock. So, first, we will find out the changes in the price of the asset, which is the change in the price of call option which shall be $1.35 less $1.31 that is equal to $0.04, and now the change in underlying price would be $88.92 less $87.98 which shall equal to $0.94.

We can use the above equation to calculate Delta (rough figure, a true figure can be obtained through other complex models like Black and Scholes)

Delta =$0.04 00/ $0.9400

Delta = $0.0426

Hence, the Delta will be $0.0426.

Delta Formula Example #3

JP Morgan is one of the biggest investment banksBiggest Investment BanksTop 10 bulge bracket investment banks are - Blackstone, Goldman Sach & co, Morgan Stanley, J.P Morgan Chase & co, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Credit Suisse, Citi, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, UBS.read more in the United States of America. They have multiple stock, bond, derivatives positions sitting in their balance sheetTheir Balance SheetA balance sheet is one of the financial statements of a company that presents the shareholders’ equity, liabilities, and assets of the company at a specific point in time. It is based on the accounting equation that states that the sum of the total liabilities and the owner’s capital equals the total assets of the company.read more. One such position is in WMD stock, which is trading at $52.67. The company has long exposure to this stock. On the next trading day, the stock trades at $51.78. The trader who is acting on behalf of the company has an option which shall hedge the losses.

The strike price of the put option is $54.23 and when it is currently trading at $3.92. The price of the put option closed $3.75 yesterday. The trader wants to know the rough Delta and asks you to calculate the Delta of the WMD put option.

  • Put option Price at Beginning: 3.75Put Option Price at End: 3.92Stock Price at Beginning: 52.67Stock Price at End: 51.87

Here, the asset is the put optionPut OptionPut Option is a financial instrument that gives the buyer the right to sell the option anytime before the date of contract expiration at a pre-specified price called strike price. It protects the underlying asset from any downfall of the underlying asset anticipated.read more, and it is underlying it’s the stock. So, first, we will find out the changes in the price of the asset, which is the change in the price of the put option which shall be $3.75 less $3.92 that is equal to $-0.17 and now the change in underlying price would be $52.67 less $51.78 which shall equal to $0.99.

We can use the above equation to calculate Delta (rough figure, the true figure can be obtained through other complex models like Black and Scholes)

Delta = $-0.1700 / $0.8000

Delta =$-0.2125

Hence, the Delta will be $-0.2125.

Delta Formula Calculator

You can use the following delta formula calculator.

Relevance and Uses

Delta is a vital calculation (mostly done by software), as this is one of the key reasons that the prices of the option move in a particular direction, and this is an indicator as to how to invest. The behavior of put option and call option delta can be greatly predictable and can be very useful to traders, portfolio managers, individual investors, and hedge fund managers.

This has been a guide to Delta Formula. Here we provide a step by step guide to calculate Delta along with practical examples and a downloadable excel template. You can learn more about financing from the following articles –

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