How would you canvas the world, earlier in the ’60s or ‘70s when gaming was a lesser-known concept? The time when machines didn’t dominate the human race, a serene era where real conversations and interactions stimulated every nerve of our heart. Technology and innovation have always boosted the gaming industry now and then. In the present-day scenario, gaming is no longer a mere concept, but it’s a brutal addiction, especially among the millennial generation.

So, if we ask you to comment on whether gaming is good or bad, each one of us might have a different point of view. It’s tough to make a statement on this subject on a cynical argument of debate. The gaming industry has drastically evolved through all these years. We belong to a generation who have grown up in front of consoles. We’ve witnessed every milestone, starting from Nintendo Game Boys to playing games on the PlayStation console.

Here’s a brief infographic capturing the journey of evolution of gaming consoles, starting from the 60s to the Present Day in gamer’s age. The following infographic is in a timeline format covering ancestral gaming consoles to Gen-Z devices like PlayStation and Xbox.

Yes, nostalgia hits pretty hard!

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Violent effects of Gaming

Don’t you think the gaming industry always had a thing for “Violence”? It’s impossible to understand why the gaming curators are so obsessed with gunshots, wounds, blood and dead bodies. Too much in the name of “Entertainment” but deriving sadistic pleasure is totally out of bounds. The majority of video games are strictly based on the theme of violence and bloodbath. Why doesn’t the gaming community realize these facts or they’re just turning a blind eye towards it?

Well, it’s a huge level of concern if it continues to evolve in this direction.

Can Playing Games Damage Our Mental Health?

It wouldn’t be fair to answer this question in a binary expression. Not all games are bad, right? Gaming was initially considered as a recreational activity. It is one of the best and productive indoor activity one can indulge themselves in.

Have you heard of “Gaming Disorder”? Well, it’s a sort of video game addiction in simple parlance. You’ll be surprised to know that gaming disorder is a pretty severe mental health issue. The WHO (World Health Organization) claims that “Gaming disorder is characterized by impaired control over gaming, increasing priority given to gaming over other activities to the extent that gaming takes precedence over other interests and daily activities, and continuation or escalation of gaming despite the occurrence of negative consequences”.

Being addicted to games, especially the violent and offensive ones, can easily mess up your personal and social lives. Although, until and unless, playing games is not jeopardizing our mental health, there’s no harm.

How Gaming Pulls You Away from “Reality”?

Are you spending too much time with your gaming console? Ignoring calls and texts from your friends, losing your appetite and sleep, spending the majority of time in solitude? Well, this is just the beginning. We’re all aware of how gaming offers us a momentary escape from the real world, right? As long as you’re efficiently managing your time and not making the activity of “playing games” the sole goal of your life, you’re good to go. You cannot let games rule your mind and body!

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The Future of Gaming Consoles

Despite everything that we have stated above, the gaming industry is still growing like fire. Sony PlayStation 5 is about to make its debut this year. Microsoft also has some special plans for this year to surprise the gaming fanatics. Be it Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo; they want us to imagine a world where we can enjoy an on-the-go gaming experience on our devices, barring the struggles and hassle.

Next-generation consoles are in the making and the future of gaming consoles ain’t fading anytime soon!

Can Cloud Gaming Endanger Consoles?

Gaming is a multi-faceted concept. Be it PC gaming, handheld consoles, video games, gaming consoles—gaming is a wide term. However, if you ask any hard-core gamer, they mostly prefer using gaming consoles above everything else. But how important are consoles? Is gaming only limited to a console-centric experience?

The gaming market is gigantic! Technology is helping the gaming industry to evolve in various aspects. And since cloud gaming came into the picture, it looks like gaming consoles are soon going to be overshadowed with this newly emerged concept. Does this mean, gaming consoles are close to a nearing end?

Also Read: Best Gaming Consoles To Buy In 2020

Do We Need More Gaming Consoles? Negative!

Say it’s the year 2030, ten years down the lane do you still imagine your life sitting in front of a gaming console? Pondering over this thought makes you happy or depressed? Well, to be honest, gaming consoles will still be around. So, it’s totally up to you how much time you devote to gaming. As long as they’re keeping you entertained, green flag!

If more and more gaming consoles will keep on launching, people will become more prone to these gadgets. Call it an undermine reality, but they have been a part of our previous and current generation, and they will evolve further too. Gaming giants like Sony, Nintendo, should keep prepping more and more digital consoles. We cannot make these gaming consoles a centrepiece source of entertainment, right?

Although, as long as the virtual world is NOT dominating your real lives, we’re ready for new consoles. But yes, we do look forward to seeing a revolution in the gaming industry. How do you picture the next revolution in gaming space to look like? Feel free to share your insights in the comments box below.

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