Technological updates are dime a dozen these days. Every technology is expected to be succeeded by something bigger and better.

One of the most prolific platforms that constantly needs to come up with updates is Social Networking sites. They work very hard to provide their users a better experience than before. They add a few things or let go  some. Let’s take look at some of the latest and interesting things that some of your favorite networking sites have come up with.

1. Twitter says Farewell to its Egg Face!

Micro Blogging site Twitter has made a much-needed change to its default ‘egg avatar’ that served as a DP for those who didn’t want to show their faces! The ‘egg’ has now turned into a ‘silhouette’. The objective behind this change is said to be in the direction to minimize online trolling and abuse. Apparently, Twitter feels that ‘egg avatars’ are associated with online abusers, which isn’t a welcome idea for those who like using the social site.

Twitter doesn’t seem to be glad to see the back of the egg. It was developed as a funny expression of evolution.  Bird (Twitter’s logo) hatching out of an egg! Well, people with default profile of the egg supposedly display abusive behavior.

Critics, however, believe changing an avatar won’t make a big difference. This step may do little to dissuade trolls from misusing Twitter. Anyone can put any random picture and start to do what he/she intends to.

According to Twitter, 320 Million active users have changed the egg avatar, but they want more participation. The agreed figure of the silhouette is neither masculine nor feminine. But everyone is willing to see the effects of this change on online trolls and bullies.

2. Facebook Forgets to Provide Anonymity:

Social networking giant Facebook has started to snatch away anonymity from its users. FB’s new ‘Stories’ update has been launched and seems to have devastated the fun feeling of never getting caught while stalking other’s profile.

Facebook’s ‘Stories’ – pretty much like Instagram – is showing the people who have viewed that particular story of yours. Gone are the days when people used to sneak into a profile and leave no traces. But your ‘Story’ is going to reveal the people who crept through your profile.

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Facebook is a large database of social networking with a huge information about people with their photos. Hence, Facebook’s algorithm to make you meet the people you may know is very advanced. But using the ‘Story’ feature in almost a decade old social networking site with all the information available seem to be of no use.

Toggling through the profiles of people whom you haven’t met since high school or you’ve met once at a party was the real glamour of using Facebook, but now as it is trying to compete with other networking sites such as Snapchat.

3. Snapchat Wins the April Fools’ Day over Instagram:

Snapchat has won a battle of retaliation over Instagram… that too by just prodding. Back in August 2016, Instagram copied the idea of ‘Stories’ of Snapchat and its CEO even praised Snapchat for this feature. After that Facebook did the same. Both the giants copied the basic idea of Snapchat, which is a relatively small but formidable competitor for them.

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On Fools’ Day, Snapchat ripped both of them apart, in good humour. They made the interface of Instagram into a Snapchat filter for the entire day and swapped the name Instagram out and put Snapchat in.

Snapchat used it as a filter instead of a lens. So, if you uploaded a picture, it gave you a selection of filters to apply. After several swipes, this filter came to the frame. The whole incident brought a more than a few smiles around the world and Snapchat was the best prankster on April Fool’s Day of 2017.

 Watch this space for more such fun updates!

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