According to research, Scientists have found out that an average human brain thinks between 2500-3000 thoughts per hour.

Does it also happen with you that your mind is being bombarded with various thoughts and you wish to collate them as quick as possible? If it is so, you are leading yourself towards a creative exercise and it is definitely going to help you with your job, business or even study structure. Doing it all using a disposable pen-paper technique is indeed great but wouldn’t it be better if you can save your thoughts at one place and revisit them whenever needed? Until Elon Musk and team completes the development of Neuralink, We have collated some mind mapping software for Windows.

What Is Mind-Mapping Software?

Mind-mapping is a smart and creative method to pen down your thoughts and ideas in a concise and Structured manner. Here, each branch can move ahead logically in various directions, taking the brainstorming session towards a positive side.

Now, all these functions are possible using mind mapping software for Windows, compiling a rough answer to your question.

What Are The Qualities Of Best Mind Mapping Software?

While you are finalizing mind map software for free downloading on Windows 10, do not forget to go through basic qualities like:

  • It shall allow easy attachment of files like images, links, etc. to the work file.
  • The final result can be easily exported to your colleagues, friends or other.
  • It shall not place size limitations on your work capacity.

Which Are The Best Mind Mapping Software For Windows?

  • Freemind
  • Mindmeister
  • Simplemind
  • Scapple
  • Xmind

Let’s find out each mind mapping software for windows in detail below!

1. Freemind

Loaded with rich and exciting features, this mind mapping software is perfect for a brainstorming session, either alone or at a meeting. It’s clear white space with features aligned around is appealing enough for a user to begin. Smart drag and drop option, copy-pasting information, edit long multiline nodes, and quick folding-unfolding with one click are some of the notable features that Freemind alone possesses proudly.

People also use this free mind mapping software for windows to keep track of the ongoing projects, essay writing, insert colors & fonts in various diagrams, etc. to add value to the creation.

Grab Freemind!

2. Mindmeister

If you do not want to play with space in your PC, try out this web-based mind-mapping software! Mindmeister is being used by more than 10 million people already because of collaboration anytime, anywhere, all you need is an internet connection and a browser. Moreover, what makes it more efficient is task & project management using smart tools.

This free mind mapping software for Windows is being used regularly by advisors, educators, managers and many others in order to plan out strategies, taking important notes, and managing all the thoughts in one place securely. Isn’t that cool?

Start With Mindmeister!

3. Simplemind

A tool that can work on all platforms without any hassle of switching and transferring files from one to another is Simplemind. With this, you can easily organize multiple mind maps on one page, brainstorm it and spread out on unlimited page size. Once you have begun with ideas, image insertion helps in better visualization which is again possible using this mind mapping software for Windows 10.

In fact, you can also choose layout options like horizontal, vertical or freeform before beginning, add voice memos to it or even add a PDF file for automatic translation. Yes, this helps not only in creativity but also saves the time of copy-paste.

Simplify With Simplemind!

4. Scapple

Yes, you may want to call it basic and lightweight for once but having a piece of paper on your digital screen is perfect. A couple of clicks and you use drag-drop function, add connections to the notes and even help yourself in coupling notes, change background shapes, go for full-screen mode for no disturbances, and finally export the output in major file formats.

Import text files, PDF, or images to support your discussion session and is an awesome mind mapping software for users who are new to this field as well as in search of basic attributes.

Get Scrapple!

5. Xmind

You can find Xmind being used by new startups as well as well-known companies due to its combination of amazing features, all in one place. Since it can also be accessed via various devices, Xmind is leading in the list having a simple interface and competitive prices. Its ‘Outliner’ attribute allows structure division for making read, edit and analysis simpler than ever.

Moreover, who doesn’t want customization in their own hands? Well, this is again where Xmind wins the game. Additional Dark Mode for the safety of your eyes is a plus! After making the project ready, you can transport the file in different formats or even save it in Evernote as an image or outline text.

Mindmap on Xmind!


We believe that next when you are charged up with hundreds of thoughts, these mind map software that can be freely downloaded on windows 10 become your guiding light. We realize the importance of using paper but in the hope of not losing your precious ideas anywhere in the bin, keep yourself packed with one the best & free mind mapping software for Windows 10.

TIP: We have an additional tip to support your decision of downloading mind-mapping software for Windows. When you are making so many ideas and saving them regularly in your PC, it may get clutter with a number of duplicates. Hence, deck up with Duplicate File Fixer and give accurate attention to space in your PC.

With this, do not forget to like, share and subscribe to our official Facebook and Twitter channel. Keep exploring your thoughts and keep brainstorming!

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