How to Create a Combo Chart in Excel?

For example, a combination of “Clustered Column Chart” and “Line Chart.”

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Below are examples of the combo chart.

Example #1

If you are in the data team with the management, you may require a lot of analysis. One such analysis is comparing revenue against the profit percentage.

For this example, we have created the below data.

We will show you how to create a combo chart with this Excel data. 

Now with this chart, we can make some easy interpretations.

  • We must select the entire data first. Then, go to Insert » Charts » Column Chart » Clustered Column Chart in Excel. Now, we will have a chart like the one below. It is not the combo chart because we have only a column clustered chart here, so we need to change the “Profit %” data to the line chart. We first need to right-click and select “Change Chart Type.” Now, we will see the below window. Now, select the “Combo” option, which is there right at the bottom. In this “Combo,” we can see a chart preview and various other recommended charts. The chart selects “Line” for the profit and checks the box “Secondary Axis.” Click on the “OK.” We will have a combo chart now. We can see on the right-hand side of the chart that we have one more Y-axis, which represents the line chart numbers.

It is not the combo chart because we have only a column clustered chart here, so we need to change the “Profit %” data to the line chart.

Now, we will see the below window.

We can see on the right-hand side of the chart that we have one more Y-axis, which represents the line chart numbers.

  • In Feb, we got the lowest revenue, and so did profit percentage.But, when we look at the June month, we have the second-lowest revenue, but the profit percentage is very high among all the other months.In Jan, even though revenue is 41261, the $ profit percentage is limited to just 12.5% only.

Example #2

Now, we have created slightly different data. Below is the data for this example.

Here, instead of a profit percentageProfit PercentageThe profit percentage formula calculates the financial benefits left with the entity after it has paid all the expenses. Profit percentage is of two types - markup expressed as a percentage of cost price or profit margin calculated using the selling more, we have profit numbers, and in addition, we have units sold data as well.

So, here we need to decide which is to show in the secondary axisSecondary AxisThe secondary axis is the other axis that is used to denote different data sets that cannot be displayed on a single axis. The primary axis, for example, depicts time, whereas the secondary axis displays more; this is key here. This time we will create a chart through manual steps.

Step 1: We must first insert a blank chart and right-click on the chart, and choose “Select Data.”

Step 2: In the below window, click on “Add.”

Step 3:  In the below window, in “Series name,” choose B1 cell, and in “Series values,” select B2 to B7. Click on “OK.”

Step 4: Click on “Add.”

Step 5: In the below window, we need to select “Month” names. Click on “OK.”

Step 6: Repeat the same steps for “Profit%” and “Units Sold” data. As a result, now we will have a chart like the one below.

Step 7: Now, right-click and choose “Change Chart Type.”

Step 8:  Select the “Combo” option from the below window. And for the “Units Sold” series name, choose the “Line” chart and check the box “Secondary Axis.”

Step 9: Now, for the “Profit%” series name, choose the “Area” chart but do not select the “Secondary Axis” checkbox.

Step 10: Now, we will have a chart like the one below.

Note: We have changed the series colors.

Things to Remember

  • These are the steps involved in the Excel 2016 version.It is necessary to check the box “Secondary Axis” to have the Y-axis on the right side.We can change the required colors as per the convenience.

This article has been a guide to Excel Combo Chart. We discuss creating a combo (combination) chart in Excel, practical examples, and a downloadable Excel template. You may learn more about Excel from the following articles: –

  • Animation Chart in ExcelControl Charts in ExcelStock Chart in ExcelTornado Chart in Excel