2018 is soon about to wrap up and if we quickly look back around all the latest tech buzzwords then “Dark Mode” is one trend we kept hearing about consistently. From smartphones to web apps to laptops, Dark Mode feature followed through every gadget or app that we use be it MacBook, YouTube, Twitter, Smartphones or anything–it’s like a tech fad!

Dark Mode is a whole new way of giving the user interface a different look and feel. Now almost every app or service that we use offers two basic theme settings for UI–a traditional light mode and a Dark mode. But that’s not the only reason why Dark mode is a part of every device and app. Here are a few amazing benefits of why to use Dark mode on your apps and devices which you may not know of (yet).

Dark Mode is not really “Dark”

Well, like they say everyone has a dark side. But that doesn’t hold true in every case and scenario. No matter how dark the term “Dark Mode” may sound to users it still has some amazing benefits that can boost your device’s performance like never before. One of the most amazing pros of using Dark mode that it drastically improves the battery life of your devices as it uses black pixels which keep the screen disilluminated most of the time.

Why Use Dark Mode Always?

Here are a few more reasons why you should always use Dark Mode on all your devices and apps. So, in case you haven’t experienced the Dark mode UI yet maybe now you will.

Lesser Eye Strain

As we’ve become prone to technology, a majority of our time proportion is spent staring at gadget’s screen. If we take a look back over the last few years on how much time we spent staring at the screen then this graph has only shown an upward trend. Well, we may not realize this now but we keep looking at device screen for a longer or excessive time then it may have serious effects on your eyesight leading to nearsightedness or myopia.

Dark Mode can surely be your savior so that you never have to worry about eye-strain. As Dark Mode uses a black background and tinted text it improves the readability and resultantly your eyes feel a lesser strain. With “Dark mode” enabled on apps and services you don’t have to worry about vision problems and can work on your gadgets for a longer time.

Better Sleep

This may sound a bit of a surprise but staring at white screens for prolonged hours can adversely affect your natural sleep cycles. And then losing sleep may result in other health problems like obesity, heart-related issues, and hypertension and so on. So, when you switch to Dark mode your eyes will be lesser strained and your sleep hormones will not be affected much if compared to staring at the white screen. Enabling the Dark mode doesn’t mean that you can go all screen-crazy and lose your sleep. It just has a less disruption to circadian rhythms which will keep you less bothered for long.

Enhanced Battery Life

Like we said earlier, using Dark Mode significantly improves the battery health on your devices as it uses black pixels which draw lesser power as compared to the white screen. The white screen consumes a lot of brightness and color and on the other hand, the Dark mode uses hex black mode where most pixels stay un-illuminated and offer improved readability to users. Using Dark Mode can boost battery life on devices by almost 60% as black background consumes less power compared to normal mode.

Dark Mode has been around since a while and there were a few reasons why to use Dark mode on all apps and services. Switching to Dark mode will result in lesser health problems and improved battery life on devices. If you haven’t experienced Dark mode feature on apps and services maybe now is the time!

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