Well, the best brand or Twitter user is the one, which tweets often – – almost constantly. But frankly, most of us don’t have that amount of time to be tapping out pithy 280-character statements on our smartphones 24*7. That’s exactly where automatic tweet scheduling shines. There are a lot of workarounds through which you can schedule your tweets in advance. These ways are easy to implement & does stay relevant in the Twittersphere without you being literally tied to your Twitter account.

So, without further ado, let’s start checking out different ways to automatically schedule tweets:

Five Workarounds To Schedule Tweets & Save Your Time

Scheduling tweets in advance not only saves your time but also allows you to post content at the same time your target audience is online. You can certainly have better control over your post frequency and avoid tweeting multiple tweets at the same time.

Workaround 1 – Twitter Itself

If you don’t want to rely on third-party applications for scheduling your tweets, an alternate method you can try is using ads.twitter.com. The best part of using the native platform to schedule tweets is there’s no need to create a separate account with other third-party services. You can even have quick access to Twitter Analytics & check how your tweets are performing.

To get started, just login with your Twitter accounts & from Settings go to Twitter Ads > Go to Twitter Ads, once you follow the on-screen instructions, you’ll be asked to add a payment method. Well, you need to add a credit card to use the feature. But don’t worry, the platform will only use this if you are going to run ads or promoted tweets, not for scheduling them.

Workaround 2- Automatically Schedule Tweets Using TweetDeck

TweetDeck, a platform initially created for monitoring feeds in panes on Twitter but not anymore. The social media platform acquired the platform & rolled it with their own domain & servers as TweetDeck. Though they haven’t really added many features so that users can have all the benefits & functionalities they have on Twitter but in a different layout.

To use TweetDeck, the best part is you don’t have to create a different account to automatically schedule the tweets; instead, you can head over to http://tweetdeck.twitter.com & sign up with your Twitter Login Credentials. Moreover, a dedicated app, TweetDeck is also available for Android & iPhone users to manage their account right at their fingertips.

Workaround 3- Schedule Tweets Using Social Media Management Tool Buffer

Are you looking for a free social media management tool like Hootsuite? Well, your search ends here, check out Buffer, an excellent tool for managing all your social media handles at once place. With a simple & easy to navigate dashboard, Buffer offers advanced scheduling tools that allow you to schedule tweets for every minute, instead of just every five minutes, like other Twitter tools.

What we like the most about this Twitter tool is, you can easily add photos and videos to the tweets that appear as native Twitter posts while posting. Hence, you can have a clear preview of how the scheduled tweet will go. Unlike other Social Media Management tools, Buffer also suggests relevant hashtags according to your caption, so that you can reach the right and relevant target audience for better engagement.

Workaround 4- Schedule Tweets Via Dynamic Tweets

Here comes another free and basic scheduling system to automatically schedule your posts, Dynamic Tweets. The Twitter tool is the oldest in the category & requires users to register an account to use it. You can use the basic version of Dynamic Tweets to schedule 20 tweets at a time. However, with the paid version, you can enjoy certain features like recurring scheduling, unlimited scheduled tweets, traffic tracking & more automated Twitter features.

You can get the premium version of Dynamic Tweets at just $25 per month & spend more to get the enterprise version to have more premium features for social media accounts. If you are a general user or have basic needs to schedule tweets, you can go for a  basic level that provides limited but effective scheduling.

Workaround 5- Schedule Tweets Via Twuffer

If you are just looking for a simple Twitter tool that allows you to compose tweets & schedule them for you at the right time, then Twuffer is the right tool for you. The scheduling system is quite basic with a simple interface as compared to Twitter ads. To get started using Twuffer, just login with your Twitter credentials & just start scheduling Tweets for future.

It also offers multiple time zones, which certainly makes it easy for users to schedule tweets at the right time for specific followers in different countries. You can use this Twitter tool with only one account at a time. Twuffer tool is available at free of cost & offers proper information related to a number of tweets posted, a number of tweets scheduled, failed ones & more, all packed in a straightforward dashboard.

Have any queries? Do you know other best ways to automatically schedule tweets? Well, share them with us in the comment section below!

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